Guide: Using EU Login
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About this guide
This guide walks you through the steps of checking whether you have an EU Login account, creating one if not and using it to log in.
EU Login is the European Commission’s central authentication service. It allows you to have a single account to access Commission services and minimise the times you need to authenticate.
What you will achieve
At the end of this guide you will understand whether you have an EU Login account and create one if this is not the case. You will also see how to use your (new) account to log in.
What you will need
To follow the steps of this guide you will need to have:
A web browser.
A functioning, personal email address (if you don’t have an existing EU Login account).
About 5 minutes.
How to complete this guide
If you are unsure whether you have an EU Login account go to Step 1: Check if you have an EU Login account and follow the subsequent prompts. To create a new account start from Step 2: Create your EU Login account whereas if you want to only log in follow Step 3: Log in using your EU Login account.
Complete the following steps depending on the task you want to carry out. For a user new to EU Login these steps can be followed sequentially.
Step 1: Check if you have an EU Login account
Go to the EU Login sign-in page at

Provide your email address and click Next. Depending on whether you have an account or not you will see one of two results:
You are informed that the user is not found. This means that you do not have an EU Login account associated to the provided email address. To create one follow Step 2: Create your EU Login account. |
You are prompted to enter your EU Login password. This confirms that you do indeed have an account associated with your email address. You can now proceed with Step 3: Log in using your EU Login account. |
Step 2: Create your EU Login account
Go to the EU Login sign-in page at and click on Create an account.

You are next presented with the account creation form.

Complete this and click Create an account. You will next see a confirmation message informing you that you will shortly be receiving a verification email.

In the received email (which may take a few minutes to arrive) you need to click the relevant link to complete your account creation. Doing so will bring you back to EU Login to set a new password for your account.

Upon doing so you will be informed that your account is created and that you are successfully logged in.

Step 3: Log in using your EU Login account
Go to the EU Login sign-in page at

Enter your email address and click on Next.

Complete the sign-in by providing your password and clicking on Sign in. If you were redirected to EU Login from a separate service (e.g. the test bed) you will now be automatically returned to it to continue.
Step 4: Adding a mobile device for two-factor authentication
In case the service you are accessing requires a two-factor authentication process you will need to register an additional authentication method on your EU Login profile. The simplest of these is a mobile device for PIN code and QR code verifications alongside your password.
To add a mobile phone, access your EU Login’s account information by hovering over your username and selecting My account. Doing so displays your account management controls.

From here, assuming you will select a mobile-based authentication, you will need to:
Register a new mobile device through Manage my mobile devices.
Register a new phone number through Manage my mobile phone numbers.
In addition, to be able to complete mobile challenges (PIN code and QG code entries) you will need to install the EU Login app (available on the Google Play store and and Apple App Store).
Once your mobile device is configured, you will be automatically prompted for a relevant additional authentication upon login.
Congratulations! In completing this guide you should now know whether you have an EU Login account, and if needed, how to create a new one. This account can now be used to log into the test bed as well as any other European Commission services that use EU Login.
See also
If you are a test bed user migrating from a legacy username and password account to EU Login you should check the relevant step-by-step migration guide.
The EU Login service is accessible at