The test bed’s REST API allows you to carry out certain operations without connecting to its user interface. Its typical use case is to allow integration with automated processes enabling use cases such as automated testing and continuous integration. For test developers certain API operations may also be interesting as it allows them to more easily validate changes while developing test cases.

As a general note, identifying the operations’ caller and referring to existing data in the test bed is done via API keys. For operations that would involve choices and confirmations if done via their corresponding user interface screens, these are provided in each case as inputs of the relevant REST calls.

The REST API foresees the following types of operations:

These sets of operations are documented in the sections that follow.


Using the test bed’s REST API is an advanced feature that needs to first be enabled by your administrator to be available to you. If setting up your own test bed instance (for production or development) you may enable this by setting the AUTOMATION_API_ENABLED property to true or by through the user interface after switching to the test bed administrator account.

Configuration management

The test bed provides the possibility to manage configuration entries via its automation API through the configure operation.


The configure operation allows you to adapt the values for configuration entries at all levels, specifically:

  • At domain level, for configuration applying to the overall test configuration.

  • At organisation level, for configuration pertinent to a specific organisation.

  • At system level, for configuration pertinent to a specific organisation’s system.

  • At statement level, for configuration relevant to a conformance statement linking a system and specification actor.

For properties at these levels this operation allows you to create, update and delete values with two restrictions relevant to domain-level properties:

  • Management of domain-level properties is possible only if the identified community is linked to a specific domain.

  • Domain-level properties can only be updated. Creating new properties and deleting existing properties cannot be done through this operation.

To call the configure operation make an HTTP POST to path /api/rest/configure. As an example, for the DIGIT instance, the path would be To authorise the operation and identify the properties to be, you must include in your request an HTTP header named ITB_API_KEY set to your community API key.

In the request’s payload you can provide any of the following properties depending on what configuration you want to update:

  • domainProperties as an array of key and value pairs.

  • organisationProperties as an array where each item defines the relevant organisation API key followed by an array of key and value pairs.

  • systemProperties as an array where each item defines the relevant system API key followed by an array of key and value pairs.

  • statementProperties as an array where each item defines the relevant system and actor API keys followed by an array of key and value pairs.

The above properties are optional, allowing you to specify precisely what you want to update. Regarding the key and value pairs, the key always refers to the unique identifier of the property in question (the same as what is used to refer to it in test cases), for which the provided value will be applied. The specific action to take place is determined as follows:

  • If value is provided, the property will be updated or created if not existing.

  • If value is not provided and an existing value is defined it will be deleted.

Recall that in the case of domain properties, only updates of existing properties are allowed to take place. In addition, only properties that are simple text values can be managed via the API.

The following sample is a JSON request to update a property at each configuration level.

  "domainProperties": [
    { "key": "sampleProperty", "value": "newValue" }
  "organisationProperties": [
      "organisation": "ORGANISATION_API_KEY",
      "properties": [
        { "key": "sampleProperty", "value": "newValue" }
  "systemProperties": [
      "system": "SYSTEM_API_KEY",
      "properties": [
        { "key": "sampleProperty", "value": "newValue" }
  "statementProperties": [
      "system": "SYSTEM_API_KEY",
      "actor": "ACTOR_API_KEY",
      "properties": [
        { "key": "sampleProperty", "value": "newValue" }

As mentioned previously you can also focus on specific properties and update multiple in one go. The following sample updates two organisation properties for two different organisations.

  "organisationProperties": [
      "organisation": "ORGANISATION_API_KEY_1",
      "properties": [
        { "key": "sampleProperty1", "value": "newValue1" },
        { "key": "sampleProperty2", "value": "newValue2" }
      "organisation": "ORGANISATION_API_KEY_2",
      "properties": [
        { "key": "sampleProperty1", "value": "newValue1" },
        { "key": "sampleProperty2", "value": "newValue2" }

To delete properties, simply identify the properties in question and omit the value.

  "organisationProperties": [
      "organisation": "ORGANISATION_API_KEY",
      "properties": [
        { "key": "sampleProperty1" },
        { "key": "sampleProperty2" }

Once the configure operation has completed you will receive a JSON response providing feedback on the result. If all actions could be carried out the payload will be en empty JSON object. In case warnings were encountered (for example an organisation not being found, or a target property not being a simple text value), these will be reported in a string array named messages.

  "messages": [
    "No conformance statement defined for system [SYSTEM_API_KEY] and actor [ACTOR_API_KEY]."

configure - request schema

The payload of the configure operation’s request is defined by the following JSON Schema:

  "$id": "",
  "$schema": "",
  "description": "JSON schema for the configure operation request payload",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "domainProperties": {
      "description": "Updates to domain properties.",
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "$ref": "#/definitions/configurationEntry"
    "organisationProperties": {
      "description": "Updates to organisation properties.",
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "$ref": "#/definitions/organisationConfigurationEntry"
    "systemProperties": {
      "description": "Updates to system properties.",
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "$ref": "#/definitions/systemConfigurationEntry"
    "statementProperties": {
      "description": "Updates to conformance statement properties.",
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "$ref": "#/definitions/conformanceStatementConfigurationEntry"
  "additionalProperties": false,
  "definitions": {
    "configurationEntry": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "key": { "type": "string" },
        "value": { "type": "string" }
      "required": [ "key" ],
      "additionalProperties": false
    "organisationConfigurationEntry": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "organisation": { "type": "string" },
        "properties": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/configurationEntry" }, "minItems": 1 }
      "required": [ "organisation", "properties" ],
      "additionalProperties": false
    "systemConfigurationEntry": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "system": { "type": "string" },
        "properties": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/configurationEntry" }, "minItems": 1 }
      "required": [ "system", "properties" ],
      "additionalProperties": false
    "conformanceStatementConfigurationEntry": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "system": { "type": "string" },
        "actor": { "type": "string" },
        "properties": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/configurationEntry" }, "minItems": 1 }
      "required": [ "system", "actor", "properties" ],
      "additionalProperties": false

configure - response schema

The payload of the configure operation’s response is defined by the following JSON Schema:

  "$id": "",
  "$schema": "",
  "description": "JSON schema for the configure operation response payload",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "messages": {
      "description": "The list of warning messages for updates that could not be carried out.",
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "type": "string"
  "additionalProperties": false

Conformance statement management

You can use the test bed’s REST API to manage an organisation’s conformance statements. The following operations are provided:

  • create: Create a conformance statement linking an organisation’s system with a specification actor.

  • delete: Delete an organisation’s conformance statement.

  • report: Produce a conformance statement report for a given conformance statement.

Details on each operation, including sample requests and responses, are provided in the following sections.


The create operation is used to create a conformance statement for an organisation, linking one of its systems with a specification actor. To call the operation make an HTTP PUT to path /api/rest/conformance/{system}/{actor}. As an example, for the DIGIT instance, the path would be{system}/{actor}. Regarding the placeholders in the path you need to replace them as follows:

  • For {system} use the API key of the system you want to create the statement for.

  • For {actor} use the API key of the specification actor.

In addition, you must include in your request an HTTP header named ITB_API_KEY set with the organisation’s API key. Finally, note that this operation does not take a body.

As an example, if we want to create a conformance statement linking a system and actor with API keys SYSTEM123 and ACTOR456 you would make a PUT to /api/rest/conformance/SYSTEM123/ACTOR456. In terms of response, if the conformance statement was successfully created you will receive a 200 response with no body.


The delete operation is used to delete an organisation’s conformance statement. To call the operation make an HTTP DELETE to path /api/rest/conformance/{system}/{actor}. As an example, for the DIGIT instance, the path would be{system}/{actor}. Regarding the placeholders in the path you need to replace them as follows:

  • For {system} use the API key of the system that is currently linked to the statement.

  • For {actor} use the API key of the relevant specification actor.

In addition, you must include in your request an HTTP header named ITB_API_KEY set with the organisation’s API key.

As an example, if we want to delete a conformance statement that currently links a system and actor with API keys SYSTEM123 and ACTOR456 you would make a DELETE to /api/rest/conformance/SYSTEM123/ACTOR456. In terms of response, if the conformance statement was successfully removed you will receive a 200 response with no body.


The report operation is used to produce a conformance statement XML report expressed in the GITB Test Reporting Language (GITB TRL). To call operation make an HTTP GET to path /api/rest/conformance/{system}/{actor}. As an example, for the DIGIT instance, the path would be{system}/{actor}. Regarding the placeholders in the path you need to replace them as follows:

  • For {system} use the API key of the system linked to the statement.

  • For {actor} use the API key of the relevant specification actor.

In addition, you must include in your request an HTTP header named ITB_API_KEY set with the organisation’s API key.

Once this call is made, the test bed will return a response with a 200 status code, whose payload is the report’s XML content. The following sample is a complete example of such a report:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ConformanceStatementReport xmlns=""
               <name>Test system</name>
               <description>A system for test purposes.</description>
            <name>Docs domain</name>
            <description>A demo domain for documentation purposes.</description>
            <name>EU Purchase Order Export Format</name>
            <description>Specification to define the data export format for EU Purchase Order Exports.</description>
            <name>Version 1.02</name>
            <description>Version 1.02 of the EU Purchase Order Export Format.</description>
            <description>Order supplier.</description>
               <ns2:name>Simple TS</ns2:name>
               <ns2:description>Simple test suite.</ns2:description>
                     <ns2:name>Simple TC</ns2:name>
                     <ns2:description>A simple test case.</ns2:description>
                        <ns2:tag name="security" foreground="#ffffff" background="#d20000">Test cases linked to security issues.</ns2:tag>
                        <ns2:tag name="version 1.0" foreground="#ffffff" background="#000000">Test cases introduced in version 1.02.</ns2:tag>
                     <ns2:name>Simple TC2</ns2:name>
                     <ns2:description>A second simple test case.</ns2:description>
               <ns2:name>Simple test suite</ns2:name>
               <ns2:description>A simple test suite.</ns2:description>
                     <ns2:name>Test case 1</ns2:name>
                     <ns2:description>A simple test case.</ns2:description>
               <testCase optional="true">
                     <ns2:name>Test case 2</ns2:name>
                     <ns2:description>Description for the second simple test case.</ns2:description>

Test session management

Apart from launching tests through the user interface you may also launch, manage and report on test sessions using REST API calls. A typical scenario would be to do so as part of a development or quality assurance workflow that would involve the following steps:

  1. Upon changes to your system, or at given intervals, deploy and initialise the latest version of your system.

  2. Once your system is ready, use the test bed’s REST API to launch a series of test sessions for your system.

  3. Have your system proceed, via scripting or responding to test bed requests, to complete the launched test sessions.

  4. Monitor the progress of the launched test sessions by periodically polling the test bed for updates.

  5. Once all test sessions are complete, compile an overview report and shut down your system.

All test session management operations identify relevant data via API keys that are managed as part of the organisation’s details. API keys are defined to cover the following information:

  • Organisation: The key to identify the specific organisation for which test sessions will be launched or managed.

  • System: The key to determine the system for which new test sessions are to be launched.

  • Actor: The key to determine the target specification actor for which to test conformance. Recall that the combination of system and actor essentially define a conformance statement.

  • Test suite: The key to determine a specific test suite.

  • Test case: The key to determine a specific test case.

Three operations are made available that allow you to launch, monitor and manage test sessions:

  • start: Launch one or more test sessions relevant to a given conformance statement.

  • status: Query the status of one or more test sessions.

  • stop: Stop one or more test sessions.

All these operations are HTTP calls that include the following:

  • A HTTP header named ITB_API_KEY set with the organisation API key. This header is required to authenticate the request.

  • A JSON payload provided as the body of the request to determine the parameters of the requested action.

Details on each operation, including sample requests and responses, are provided in the following sections.


The start operation is used to launch one or more test sessions. You may use the operation’s parameters to specify exactly which test cases to execute, allowing for targetted choices or batch execution of complete sets of tests. You may also define how the selected test cases are launched, by specifying whether they should be parallelised or executed in sequence. In addition, you may provide inputs for the tests to execute that could serve to replace values that would be otherwise provided interactively (e.g. user inputs or uploaded files).

To call the start operation make an HTTP POST to path /api/rest/tests/start. As an example, for the DIGIT instance, the path would be

As with all test bed REST operations for session management you must include in your request an HTTP header named ITB_API_KEY set to your organisation API key.

In the request’s payload you will need to define at least the following properties:

  • The system, referring to the API key of the system to be tested.

  • The actor, referring to the API key for the target actor.

In addition to the above, you can include properties testSuite and testCase, both arrays including the API keys for specific test suites and test cases, which in combination with the actor define which test cases shall be executed. For example the following request defines only the actor, thus launching all test cases defined in the actor’s conformance statement:

  "system": "B277E210X2FB4X4BD7X88B6X951504F45F8F",
  "actor": "28E6E6C9X80BDX40C9XB54DX102800BC32D7"

Including in addition the testSuite property will instruct the test bed to launch the test cases defined in that specific test suite(s):

  "system": "B277E210X2FB4X4BD7X88B6X951504F45F8F",
  "actor": "28E6E6C9X80BDX40C9XB54DX102800BC32D7",
  "testSuite": [ "TS1" ]

If you want to launch only one or more specific test cases you can use the testCase property:

  "system": "B277E210X2FB4X4BD7X88B6X951504F45F8F",
  "actor": "28E6E6C9X80BDX40C9XB54DX102800BC32D7",
  "testCase": [ "TS1_TC1", "TS1_TC2" ]

Apart from selecting the test cases to launch, you may also specify property forceSequentialExecution to inform the test bed how the test sessions should be launched. Setting this to true will force the test bed to launch all tests sequentially. By default, this is considered as false, meaning that the test bed will launch all test sessions in parallel, unless certain of the selected test cases require sequential execution.

  "system": "B277E210X2FB4X4BD7X88B6X951504F45F8F",
  "actor": "28E6E6C9X80BDX40C9XB54DX102800BC32D7",
  "forceSequentialExecution": true

As a complement to the information on which tests are to be launched, you may also provide one or more inputs for the selected test cases. These inputs will be added to the test session context before executing each test, overriding any variables defined with default values. Providing inputs can be very useful allowing you to execute tests that would otherwise require user interactions (which in this case will be skipped).

The inputs provided can be done so in a flexible manner, defining each input (e.g. a text or even a file) once and mapping it to the test cases for which it should be considered. To do this you use the inputMapping property, an array with one item per input, complemented by the information on the test cases to apply it to. Regarding this test case mapping, you may specify property testSuite to map it to the tests of certain test suites, property testCase to map it to certain test cases, or skip these altogether to apply it to all tests.

For example, the following request defines an input named “countryCode” that applies to all test cases, and a second input named “partyId” that only applies to two specific ones:

  "system": "B277E210X2FB4X4BD7X88B6X951504F45F8F",
  "actor": "28E6E6C9X80BDX40C9XB54DX102800BC32D7",
  "inputMapping": [
      "input": {
        "name": "countryCode",
        "value": "BE"
      "testCase": ["TS1_TC1", "TS1_TC2"],
      "input": {
        "name": "partyId",
        "value": "ID12345"

The definition of each input property is quite flexible, allowing you to define complete files as well as complex structures such as maps. To define a file you would including its content as a Base64-encoded string, setting appropriately the embeddingMethod and type properties on its relevant input:

  "system": "B277E210X2FB4X4BD7X88B6X951504F45F8F",
  "actor": "28E6E6C9X80BDX40C9XB54DX102800BC32D7",
  "inputMapping": [
      "testCase": ["TS1_TC1"],
      "input": {
        "name": "aFile",
        "embeddingMethod": "BASE64",
        "type": "binary",
        "value": "ZGY6TEtNZmRzYSdrZ2ptZmdobDthZyBcb2VrZ2hhc......"

When providing a map as an input you do so by including its entries within the top-level map input, in its item property:

   "system": "B277E210X2FB4X4BD7X88B6X951504F45F8F",
   "actor": "28E6E6C9X80BDX40C9XB54DX102800BC32D7",
   "inputMapping": [
       "testCase": ["TS1_TC1"],
       "input": {
         "name": "countryInfo",
         "type": "map",
         "item": [
           { "name": "countryCode", "value": "BE" },
           { "name": "countryName", "value": "Belgium" }

For the full specification of the start operation’s request payload you may check its JSON schema definition.

The response you receive from the start operation, includes a confirmation of the test sessions that have been started or planned for execution (if execution was requested to be sequential). The information for each scheduled session is returned in the createdSessions array, of which each item corresponds to one session. For each session you are informed of its relevant testSuite and testCase, as well as its assigned session identifier with which you can follow its progress.

  "createdSessions": [
      "testSuite": "TS1",
      "testCase": "TS1_TC1",
      "session": "63b76ce6-5ade-431f-8620-8dadb13d2f42"
      "testSuite": "TS1",
      "testCase": "TS1_TC2",
      "session": "a866297c-ccb0-4133-9ae9-2c3af7aba0bd"

You may use the reported session identifiers to check the sessions’ status and, if needed, forcibly stop them.

start - request schema

The payload of the start operation’s request is defined by the following JSON Schema:

  "$id": "",
  "$schema": "",
  "description": "JSON schema for the tests' start operation request payload",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "system": { "type": "string" },
    "actor": { "type": "string" },
    "forceSequentialExecution": { "type": "boolean" },
    "testSuite": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" } },
    "testCase": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" } },
    "inputMapping": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/input" } }
  "required": [ "system", "actor" ],
  "additionalProperties": false,
  "definitions": {
    "input": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "testSuite": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" } },
        "testCase": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" } },
        "input": { "$ref": "#/definitions/anyContent" }
      "required": [ "input" ],
      "additionalProperties": false
    "anyContent": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "name": { "type": "string" },
        "embeddingMethod": { "type": "string", "enum": ["STRING", "BASE64", "URI"] },
        "value": { "type": "string" },
        "type": { "type": "string", "enum": ["string", "number", "boolean", "binary", "object", "schema", "map", "list"] },
        "encoding": { "type": "string" },
        "item": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/anyContent" } }
      "additionalProperties": false

start - response schema

The payload of the start operation’s response is defined by the following JSON Schema:

  "$id": "",
  "$schema": "",
  "description": "JSON schema for the tests' start operation response payload",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "createdSessions": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/sessionInfo" } }
  "required": [ "createdSessions" ],
  "additionalProperties": false,
  "definitions": {
    "sessionInfo": {
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
      "testSuite": { "type": "string" },
      "testCase": { "type": "string" },
      "session": { "type": "string" }
    "required": [ "testSuite", "testCase", "session" ],
    "additionalProperties": false


The status operation is used to check the progress of one or more specific test sessions. It can be used with any test session, not only sessions launched via the test bed’s REST API, as long as you are authorised to view them.

To call the status operation make an HTTP POST to path /api/rest/tests/status. As an example, for the DIGIT instance, the path would be


Using GET: Prior to release 1.17.0 the status operation was available through HTTP GET. This remains possible as an alternative to POST but is not part of the API’s OpenAPI documentation as GET requests are not supposed to have body content.

As with all test bed REST operations for session management you must include in your request an HTTP header named ITB_API_KEY set to your organisation API key.

In the request’s payload you may provide two properties to define your query:

  • The session array, including one or more session identifiers to look up.

  • The withLogs boolean flag to specify whether you want to view the detailed log trace for each returned session. By default log traces are not returned, but you can set this to true to include them.

  • The withReports boolean flag to specify whether you want to also include the sessions’ XML report expressed in the GITB Test Reporting Language (GITB TRL). By default reports are not included.

The following example call makes a query for one test session, choosing to also return its detailed log:

  "session": ["08e49917-d560-4ffb-bbf5-280bf1084148"],
  "withLogs": true

As a response for the status operation, the test bed returns the latest information for the requested sessions in an array named sessions. This includes one item per reported session which includes in turn the following properties:

  • session, for the session’s identifier.

  • result, one of “SUCCESS”, “FAILURE” or “UNDEFINED” for the overall test status.

  • startTime, containing a timestamp for the session’s launch time.

The above properties are included for all test sessions, active or completed. If a session is completed this information additionally includes the following properties:

  • endTime, containing a timestamp of the session’s completion time.

  • message, optionally included if an overall output message was produced by the test session.

In case detailed log traces were requested (i.e. property withLogs was included and set to true), each test session will also include a property named logs. This is a string array containing one item per reported log message. Similarly, if test session reports were requested (i.e. property withReports was included and set to true), a further property named report will be included. This is a string value that includes the complete XML content of the report as a JSON-escaped string (click here for a complete XML report sample).

The following example illustrates the status information returned for a single completed test session with logs and reports included:

  "sessions": [
      "session": "08e49917-d560-4ffb-bbf5-280bf1084148",
      "result": "FAILURE",
      "startTime": "2022-03-17T13:28:16Z",
      "endTime": "2022-03-17T13:28:38Z",
      "message": "Your query did not have the expected type.",
      "logs": [
        "[2022-03-17 14:28:15] DEBUG - Configuring session [08e49917-d560-4ffb-bbf5-280bf1084148]",
        "[2022-03-17 14:28:15] INFO  - Starting session",
        "[2022-03-17 14:28:15] DEBUG - Status update - step [Query system] - ID [1]: PROCESSING",
        "[2022-03-17 14:28:15] DEBUG - Status update - step [Query system] - ID [1]: WAITING",
        "[2022-03-17 14:28:15] WARN  - Received 'receive' call from Test Bed",
        "[2022-03-17 14:28:37] DEBUG - Received notification",
        "[2022-03-17 14:28:37] DEBUG - Status update - step [Query system] - ID [1]: COMPLETED",
        "[2022-03-17 14:28:37] DEBUG - Status update - step [Response] - ID [2]: PROCESSING",
        "[2022-03-17 14:28:37] DEBUG - Status update - step [Response] - ID [2]: COMPLETED",
        "[2022-03-17 14:28:37] DEBUG - Status update - step [Sequence] - ID [3]: PROCESSING",
        "[2022-03-17 14:28:37] DEBUG - Status update - step [Verify the query type] - ID [3.1]: PROCESSING",
        "[2022-03-17 14:28:37] DEBUG - Status update - step [Verify the query type] - ID [3.1]: ERROR",
        "[2022-03-17 14:28:37] DEBUG - Status update - step [Sequence] - ID [3]: ERROR",
        "[2022-03-17 14:28:37] DEBUG - Status update - step [Call] - ID [3]: ERROR",
        "[2022-03-17 14:28:37] DEBUG - Preparing to stop",
        "[2022-03-17 14:28:38] INFO  - Session finished with result [ERROR]"
      "report": "<?xml version=\"1.0\"><TestCaseOverviewReport>...</TestCaseOverviewReport>"

status - request schema

The payload of the status operation’s request is defined by the following JSON Schema:

  "$id": "",
  "$schema": "",
  "description": "JSON schema for the tests' status operation request payload",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "session": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" } },
    "withLogs": { "type": "boolean" },
    "withReports": { "type": "boolean" }
  "required": [ "session" ],
  "additionalProperties": false

status - response schema

The payload of the status operation’s response is defined by the following JSON Schema:

  "$id": "",
  "$schema": "",
  "description": "JSON schema for the tests' status operation response payload",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "sessions": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/sessionStatus" } }
  "required": [ "sessions" ],
  "additionalProperties": false,
  "definitions": {
    "sessionStatus": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "session": { "type": "string" }, 
        "result": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "SUCCESS", "FAILURE", "UNDEFINED" ] },
        "startTime": { "type": "string" },
        "endTime": { "type": "string" },
        "message": { "type": "string" },
        "logs": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" } },
        "report": { "type": "string" }
      "required": [ "session", "result", "startTime" ],
      "additionalProperties": false


The stop operation is used to forcibly terminate one or more specific test sessions. It can be used with any test session, not only sessions launched via the test bed’s REST API, as long as you are authorised to view them.

To call the stop operation make an HTTP POST to path /api/rest/tests/stop. As an example, for the DIGIT instance, the path would be

As with all test bed REST operations for session management you must include in your request an HTTP header named ITB_API_KEY set to your organisation API key.

In the request’s payload you are expected to provide an array named session, including the session identifiers for one or more test sessions you want to stop. In the following example, a request is being made to terminate two test sessions:

  "session": ["08e49917-d560-4ffb-bbf5-280bf1084148", "a866297c-ccb0-4133-9ae9-2c3af7aba0bd"]

Once this call is made, the test bed will immediately terminate the requested test sessions. The response to the stop operation has an empty body and is returned with a 200 (ok) status code.

stop - request schema

The payload of the stop operation’s request is defined by the following JSON Schema:

  "$id": "",
  "$schema": "",
  "description": "JSON schema for the tests' stop operation request payload",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "session": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" } }
  "required": [ "session" ],
  "additionalProperties": false


The report operation is used to retrieve a test session’s XML report expressed in the GITB Test Reporting Language (GITB TRL). It can be used with any test session, not only sessions launched via the test bed’s REST API, as long as you are authorised to view them.

To call the report operation make an HTTP GET to path /api/rest/tests/report/{sessionId}, where sessionId is replaced by the session’s identifier. As an example, for the DIGIT instance, the path for a session with an identifier of “ABC123” would be

As with all test bed REST operations for session management you must include in your request an HTTP header named ITB_API_KEY set to your organisation API key.

Once this call is made, the test bed will return a response with a 200 (ok) status code, whose payload is the report’s XML content. The following sample is a complete example of such a report:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<TestCaseOverviewReport xmlns="" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="" id="UBL_invoice_validation_test_3">
        <ns2:name>TC3: Upload minimal invoice</ns2:name>
        <ns2:description>Test case to verify the correctness of a minimal UBL invoice. The invoice is provided manually through user upload.</ns2:description>
    <message>The provided invoice failed validation. Check the failed validation step(s) for further details.</message>
        <step id="1">
            <description>Step 1: UBL invoice upload</description>
            <report xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="TAR" id="1">
        <step id="2">
            <description>Step 2: Validate invoice against UBL 2.1 Invoice Schema</description>
            <report xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="TAR" name="XML Schema Validation" id="2">
        <step id="3">
            <description>Step 3: Validate invoice against BII2 CORE restrictions for Invoice Transaction</description>
            <report xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="TAR" name="Schematron Validation" id="3">
                    <warning xsi:type="BAR">
                        <description>Attribute '@listID' marked as not used in the given context.</description>
        <step id="4">
            <description>Step 4: Validate invoice against BII RULES</description>
            <report xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="TAR" name="Schematron Validation" id="4">
                    <error xsi:type="BAR">
                        <description>[BII2-T10-R051]-Sum of line amounts MUST equal the invoice line net amounts</description>
                    <error xsi:type="BAR">
                        <description>[BII2-T10-R052]-An invoice total without VAT MUST equal the sum of line amounts plus the sum of charges on document level minus the sum of allowances on document level</description>

Test suite management

The test bed foresees API operations to deploy and undeploy test suites. Managing test suites in this way is primarily used during test suite development, to allow the deployment of test suites via automation processes.

Test suite management operations make use of API keys to determine the information relevant to a specific call. These keys are:

The API includes two operations that allow you to manage test suites:

  • deploy: Deploy a (non-shared) test suite to a specification.

  • undeploy: Remove a (non-shared) test suite from a specification.

  • deployShared: Deploy a shared test suite to a community’s domain.

  • undeployShared: Remove a shared test suite from a community’s domain.

  • linkShared: Link a shared test suite to one or more specifications.

  • unlinkShared: Unlink a shared test suite from one or more specifications.

Details on each operation, including sample requests and responses, are provided in the following sections.


The deploy operation is used to add a new or updated test suite to a specification. Apart from providing the test suite itself, the operation’s parameters allow you to specify how to handle validation issues and existing conformance tests.

To call the deploy operation make an HTTP POST to path /api/rest/testsuite/deploy. As an example, for the DIGIT instance, the path would be To authorise the operation and identify the specification domain to be updated, you must include in your request an HTTP header named ITB_API_KEY set to your community API key.

In the request’s payload you will need to define at least the following information:

  • The specification, referring to the API key of the specification to be updated.

  • The testSuite, including the data of the test suite archive being deployed.

Apart from these properties, you may optionally specify additional properties as boolean flags to determine archive handling options. Specifically:

  • Set ignoreWarnings to true to allow the test suite’s deployment even in case of validation warnings. By default validation warnings will prevent the deployment from completing.

  • Set replaceTestHistory to true to clear any existing conformance testing history relevant to the test suite. By default existing tests are maintained.

  • Set updateSpecification to true to update existing specification metadata to values provided in the test suite archive. By default existing information will not be updated.

In addition to the above properties, you may also specify an array named testCases that provides fine-grained instructions on how to handle the test suite’s test cases if these are found to already exist. For test cases not specified in this way, or if the testCases array is altogether missing, the values provided in replaceTestHistory and updateSpecification are treated as the defaults. The items of the testCases array define the following properties:

  • identifier, referring to the identifier of the test case.

  • updateSpecification, which can be set to true to update the test case’s metadata (name and description).

  • replaceTestHistory, which can be set to true to reset the testing history for the test case.

The deploy operation actually comes with two variants to allow you to provide the test suite archive in the way that best fits your needs. The selected approach is determined by you by setting the request’s Content-Type header to match the type of submission you are making. Specifically:

  • Setting Content-Type to application/json will consider that the request’s body is JSON that includes the test suite archive as a BASE64 encoded string. The request’s inputs in this case are added as JSON properties with the BASE64 encoded string added as property testSuite.

  • Setting Content-Type to multipart/form-data will consider the request as a multipart form submission. The request’s inputs in this case will be request parameters with the test suite archive named testSuite (the request’s file part). In addition, the testCases array is replaced in this case by four repeatable parameters named testCaseWithSpecificationUpdate, testCaseWithoutSpecificationUpdate, testCaseWithTestHistoryReplacement and testCaseWithoutTestHistoryReplacement, each set with the relevant test case identifier.

The approach to follow depends on the client tool you want to use to make the calls. When submitting as JSON you will need to always calculate the BASE64 string of the test suite archive before including it in the payload. In contrast, if you make a multipart form submission, your tool should be able to correctly construct a multipart request with the relevant part boundaries. If you use a tool such as curl that handles this, the multipart form approach is likely simpler as you can simply point to the archive’s file to submit without using additional tools to generate BASE64 strings.

The following sample is a JSON request to deploy a test suite to a specification (the test suite’s BASE64 encoded string is truncated for brevity).

  "specification": "B277E210X2FB4X4BD7X88B6X951504F45F8F",
  "testSuite": "UEsDBBQAAAAIAIWIr...wNAAAAAA=="

As discussed earlier you may also include additional flags to determine how the upload should be handled. The following example includes the ignoreWarnings, replaceTestHistory and updateSpecification flags to override the default behaviours.

  "specification": "B277E210X2FB4X4BD7X88B6X951504F45F8F",
  "ignoreWarnings": true,
  "replaceTestHistory": true,
  "updateSpecification": true,
  "testSuite": "UEsDBBQAAAAIAIWIr...wNAAAAAA=="

For the full specification of the deploy operation’s request payload, when this is provided as JSON, you may check its JSON schema definition.

Once the deploy operation has completed you receive a JSON response to notify you of the deployment’s result. This response will always include a boolean completed flag to inform you whether the deployment was actually carried out. Alongside this you may optionally receive report items produced by the test suite’s validation in three arrays named errors, warnings and messages. Each item of these arrays includes the finding’s description and location, the latter being the path of the test suite’s resource (e.g. a test case file) that resulted in it being reported. A test suite’s deployment may not be completed in case it’s validation produced errors or warnings (that were not set to be ignored via the request’s ignoreWarnings flag).

Besides the overall status and validation summary, the response will also include the API keys of all data created, or affects by the test suite. These keys allow you to automate other operations related to this test suite through the REST API, such as running test sessions or managing conformance statements. The returned API keys include:

  • The identifier of the test suite that was created or updated as a result of the operation.

  • The identifiers of test cases that form the latest version of the test suite.

  • The names and identifiers of the target specifications.

  • The names and identifiers of the test suite actors.

The following example presents a response that produced a validation warning but was nonetheless completed:

  "completed": true,
  "warnings": [
      "description": "[TDL-015] Actor [Actor2] is not referenced in any test cases."
  "identifiers": {
      "testSuite": "testSuite1",
      "testCases": [ "testCase1", "testCase2", "testCase3" ],
      "specifications": [
          "name": "Specification 1",
          "identifier": "77040396X168EX40CDXBD3FX62347E1A09E6",
          "actors": [
              "name": "Actor 1",
              "identifier": "28E6E6C9X80BDX40C9XB54DX102800BC32D7"
              "name": "Actor 2",
              "identifier": "4F5E9DEBX1F5DX4ECBX92DBXC5DEF1035643"

For the full specification of the deploy operation’s response payload you may check its JSON schema definition.

deploy - request schema (JSON case)

The payload of the deploy operation’s request (in the case it submitted as JSON content) is defined by the following JSON Schema:

  "$id": "",
  "$schema": "",
  "description": "JSON schema for the test suites' deploy operation request payload",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "specification": { "type": "string" },
    "testSuite": { "type": "string", "format": "base64" },
    "ignoreWarnings": { "type": "boolean", "default": false },
    "replaceTestHistory": { "type": "boolean", "default": false },
    "updateSpecification": { "type": "boolean", "default": false }
  "required": [ "specification", "testSuite" ],
  "additionalProperties": false

deploy - response schema

The payload of the deploy operation’s response is defined by the following JSON Schema:

  "$id": "",
  "$schema": "",
  "description": "JSON schema for the test suites' deploy operation response payload",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "completed": { "type": "boolean" },
    "errors": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/reportItem" } },
    "warnings": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/reportItem" } },
    "messages": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/reportItem" } },
    "identifiers": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "testSuite": { "type": "string" },
        "testCases": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" } },
        "specifications": { "type": "array",  "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/specificationInfo" } }
      "required": [ "testSuite" ],
      "additionalProperties": false
  "required": [ "completed" ],
  "additionalProperties": false,
  "definitions": {
    "reportItem": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "description": { "type": "string" },
        "location": { "type": "string" }
      "required": [ "description" ],
      "additionalProperties": false
    "specificationInfo": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "name": { "type": "string" },
        "identifier": { "type": "string" },
        "actors": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/actorInfo" } }
      "required": [ "name", "identifier" ],
      "additionalProperties": false
    "actorInfo": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "name": { "type": "string" },
        "identifier": { "type": "string" }
      "required": [ "name", "identifier" ],
      "additionalProperties": false


The undeploy operation is used to remove a test suite from a specification. Removing a test suite will result in the relevant conformance testing history being cleared.

To call the undeploy operation make an HTTP POST to path /api/rest/testsuite/undeploy. As an example, for the DIGIT instance, the path would be To authorise the operation and identify the specification domain from which the test suite will be removed, you must include in your request an HTTP header named ITB_API_KEY set to your community API key.

In the request’s payload you will need to define the following two properties:

  • The specification, referring to the API key of the specification to be updated.

  • The testSuite, referring to the identifier of the test suite to be removed.

The following sample is a request to remove a test suite from a specification.

  "specification": "B277E210X2FB4X4BD7X88B6X951504F45F8F",
  "testSuite": "test_suite_1"

Once this call is made, the test bed will remove the specified test suite and clear any related conformance tests. The response to the undeploy operation has an empty body and is returned with a 200 (ok) status code.

undeploy - request schema

The payload of the undeploy operation’s request is defined by the following JSON Schema:

  "$id": "",
  "$schema": "",
  "description": "JSON schema for the test suites' undeploy operation request payload",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "specification": { "type": "string" },
    "testSuite": { "type": "string" }
  "required": [ "specification", "testSuite" ],
  "additionalProperties": false


The deployShared operation is used to add a new or updated test suite to a domain to be shared across multiple specifications. Apart from providing the test suite itself, the operation’s parameters allow you to specify how to handle validation issues and existing conformance tests.

To call the deployShared operation make an HTTP POST to path /api/rest/testsuite/deployShared. As an example, for the DIGIT instance, the path would be To authorise the operation and identify the specification domain to be updated, you must include in your request an HTTP header named ITB_API_KEY set to your community API key.

In the request’s payload you will need to define at least the testSuite, including the data of the test suite archive being deployed. Apart from this, you may optionally specify additional properties as boolean flags to determine archive handling options. Specifically:

  • Set ignoreWarnings to true to allow the test suite’s deployment even in case of validation warnings. By default validation warnings will prevent the deployment from completing.

  • Set replaceTestHistory to true to clear any existing conformance testing history relevant to the test suite. By default existing tests are maintained.

  • Set updateSpecification to true to update existing test suite metadata to values provided in the test suite archive. By default existing information will not be updated.

In addition to the above properties, you may also specify an array named testCases that provides fine-grained instructions on how to handle the test suite’s test cases if these are found to already exist. For test cases not specified in this way, or if the testCases array is altogether missing, the values provided in replaceTestHistory and updateSpecification are treated as the defaults. The items of the testCases array define the following properties:

  • identifier, referring to the identifier of the test case.

  • updateSpecification, which can be set to true to update the test case’s metadata (name and description).

  • replaceTestHistory, which can be set to true to reset the testing history for the test case.

The deployShared operation actually comes with two variants to allow you to provide the test suite archive in the way that best fits your needs. The selected approach is determined by you by setting the request’s Content-Type header to match the type of submission you are making. Specifically:

  • Setting Content-Type to application/json will consider that the request’s body is JSON that includes the test suite archive as a BASE64 encoded string. The request’s inputs in this case are added as JSON properties with the BASE64 encoded string added as property testSuite.

  • Setting Content-Type to multipart/form-data will consider the request as a multipart form submission. The request’s inputs in this case will be request parameters with the test suite archive named testSuite (the request’s file part). In addition, the testCases array is replaced in this case by four repeatable parameters named testCaseWithSpecificationUpdate, testCaseWithoutSpecificationUpdate, testCaseWithTestHistoryReplacement and testCaseWithoutTestHistoryReplacement, each set with the relevant test case identifier.

The approach to follow depends on the client tool you want to use to make the calls. When submitting as JSON you will need to always calculate the BASE64 string of the test suite archive before including it in the payload. In contrast, if you make a multipart form submission, your tool should be able to correctly construct a multipart request with the relevant part boundaries. If you use a tool such as curl that handles this, the multipart form approach is likely simpler as you can simply point to the archive’s file to submit without using additional tools to generate BASE64 strings.

The following sample is a JSON request to deploy a shared test suite (the test suite’s BASE64 encoded string is truncated for brevity).

  "testSuite": "UEsDBBQAAAAIAIWIr...wNAAAAAA=="

As discussed earlier you may also include additional flags to determine how the upload should be handled. The following example includes the ignoreWarnings, replaceTestHistory and updateSpecification flags to override the default behaviours.

  "ignoreWarnings": true,
  "replaceTestHistory": true,
  "updateSpecification": true,
  "testSuite": "UEsDBBQAAAAIAIWIr...wNAAAAAA=="

For the full specification of the deployShared operation’s request payload, when this is provided as JSON, you may check its JSON schema definition.

Once the deployShared operation has completed you receive a JSON response to notify you of the deployment’s result. This response will always include a boolean completed flag to inform you whether the deployment was actually carried out. Alongside this you may optionally receive report items produced by the test suite’s validation in three arrays named errors, warnings and messages. Each item of these arrays includes the finding’s description and location, the latter being the path of the test suite’s resource (e.g. a test case file) that resulted in it being reported. A test suite’s deployment may not be completed in case it’s validation produced errors or warnings (that were not set to be ignored via the request’s ignoreWarnings flag).

Besides the overall status and validation summary, the response will also include the API keys of all data created, or affects by the test suite. These keys allow you to automate other operations related to this test suite through the REST API, such as running test sessions or managing conformance statements. The returned API keys include:

  • The identifier of the test suite that was created or updated as a result of the operation.

  • The identifiers of test cases that form the latest version of the test suite.

  • The names and identifiers of the specifications linked to the shared test suite.

  • The names and identifiers of the test suite actors.

The following example presents a response that produced a validation warning but was nonetheless completed:

  "completed": true,
  "warnings": [
      "description": "[TDL-015] Actor [Actor2] is not referenced in any test cases."
  "identifiers": {
      "testSuite": "testSuite1",
      "testCases": [ "testCase1", "testCase2", "testCase3" ],
      "specifications": [
          "name": "Specification 1",
          "identifier": "77040396X168EX40CDXBD3FX62347E1A09E6",
          "actors": [
              "name": "Actor 1",
              "identifier": "28E6E6C9X80BDX40C9XB54DX102800BC32D7"
              "name": "Actor 2",
              "identifier": "4F5E9DEBX1F5DX4ECBX92DBXC5DEF1035643"

For the full specification of the deployShared operation’s response payload you may check its JSON schema definition.

deployShared - request schema (JSON case)

The payload of the deployShared operation’s request (in the case it submitted as JSON content) is defined by the following JSON Schema:

  "$id": "",
  "$schema": "",
  "description": "JSON schema for the test suites' deployShared operation request payload",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "testSuite": { "type": "string", "format": "base64" },
    "ignoreWarnings": { "type": "boolean", "default": false },
    "replaceTestHistory": { "type": "boolean", "default": false },
    "updateSpecification": { "type": "boolean", "default": false }
  "required": [ "testSuite" ],
  "additionalProperties": false

deployShared - response schema

The payload of the deployShared operation’s response is defined by the following JSON Schema:

  "$id": "",
  "$schema": "",
  "description": "JSON schema for the test suites' deployShared operation response payload",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "completed": { "type": "boolean" },
    "errors": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/reportItem" } },
    "warnings": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/reportItem" } },
    "messages": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/reportItem" } },
    "identifiers": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "testSuite": { "type": "string" },
        "testCases": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" } },
        "specifications": { "type": "array",  "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/specificationInfo" } }
      "required": [ "testSuite" ],
      "additionalProperties": false
  "required": [ "completed" ],
  "additionalProperties": false,
  "definitions": {
    "reportItem": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "description": { "type": "string" },
        "location": { "type": "string" }
      "required": [ "description" ],
      "additionalProperties": false
    "specificationInfo": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "name": { "type": "string" },
        "identifier": { "type": "string" },
        "actors": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/actorInfo" } }
      "required": [ "name", "identifier" ],
      "additionalProperties": false
    "actorInfo": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "name": { "type": "string" },
        "identifier": { "type": "string" }
      "required": [ "name", "identifier" ],
      "additionalProperties": false


The undeployShared operation is used to remove a shared test suite from a domain. Removing a test suite will result in the relevant conformance testing history being cleared.

To call the undeployShared operation make an HTTP POST to path /api/rest/testsuite/undeployShared. As an example, for the DIGIT instance, the path would be To authorise the operation and identify the domain from which the test suite will be removed, you must include in your request an HTTP header named ITB_API_KEY set to your community API key.

In the request’s payload you will need to define the testSuite property, referring to the identifier of the test suite to be removed. The following sample is a request to remove a test suite from a specification.

  "testSuite": "test_suite_1"

Once this call is made, the test bed will remove the specified test suite and clear any related conformance tests. The response to the undeployShared operation has an empty body and is returned with a 200 (ok) status code.

undeployShared - request schema

The payload of the undeployShared operation’s request is defined by the following JSON Schema:

  "$id": "",
  "$schema": "",
  "description": "JSON schema for the test suites' undeployShared operation request payload",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "testSuite": { "type": "string" }
  "required": [ "testSuite" ],
  "additionalProperties": false


The linkShared operation is used to link a shared test suite to one or more specifications.

To call the linkShared operation make an HTTP POST to path /api/rest/testsuite/linkShared. As an example, for the DIGIT instance, the path would be To authorise the operation and identify the specification domain to be updated, you must include in your request an HTTP header named ITB_API_KEY set to your community API key.

In the request’s payload you will need to define:

  • The testSuite to link, referring to the test suite’s identifier.

  • The specifications array defining the specifications to link the test suite with.

Each entry of the specifications has two properties:

  • The specification (required), referring to the API key of the specification.

  • The update flag (optional), defining whether the metadata of the targeted specification (actor names, identifiers and descriptions) should be updated to match the information from the test suite (default is “false”).

The following sample is a JSON request to link a shared test suite to a specification (the test suite’s BASE64 encoded string is truncated for brevity).

  "testSuite": "UEsDBBQAAAAIAIWIr...wNAAAAAA==",
  "specifications": [
      "specification": "B277E210X2FB4X4BD7X88B6X951504F45F8F"

For the full specification of the linkShared operation’s request payload, you may check its JSON schema definition.

Once the linkShared operation has completed you receive a JSON response to inform you of the result of the link. This response is an array with one item per targetted specification that includes the following properties:

  • specification, with the API key of the relevant specification.

  • linked, a boolean flag that is “true” if the operation link was carried out.

  • message, that in case of a failed link includes an explanatory message.

The following example presents a response for a successful link:

    "specification": "B277E210X2FB4X4BD7X88B6X951504F45F8F",
    "linked": true

For the full specification of the linkShared operation’s response payload you may check its JSON schema definition.

linkShared - request schema

The payload of the linkShared operation’s request is defined by the following JSON Schema:

  "$id": "",
  "$schema": "",
  "description": "JSON schema for the test suites' linkShared operation request payload",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "testSuite": { "type": "string" },
    "specifications": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/targetSpecification" } }
  "required": [ "testSuite", "specifications" ],
  "additionalProperties": false,
  "definitions": {
    "targetSpecification": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "specification": { "type": "string" },
        "update": { "type": "boolean" }
      "required": [ "specification" ],
      "additionalProperties": false

linkShared - response schema

The payload of the linkShared operation’s response is defined by the following JSON Schema:

  "$id": "",
  "$schema": "",
  "description": "JSON schema for the test suites' linkShared operation response payload",
  "type": "array",
  "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/linkResult" },
  "definitions": {
    "linkResult": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "specification": { "type": "string" },
        "linked": { "type": "boolean" },
        "message": { "type": "string" }
      "required": [ "specification" ],
      "additionalProperties": false


The unlinkShared operation is used to remove the link between a shared test suite and one or more specifications. Note that removing such a link has no effect on existing test sessions but will remove the test suite from relevant conformance statements.

To call the unlinkShared operation make an HTTP POST to path /api/rest/testsuite/unlinkShared. As an example, for the DIGIT instance, the path would be To authorise the operation and identify the domain that contains the test suite and specifications, you must include in your request an HTTP header named ITB_API_KEY set to your community API key.

In the request’s payload you will need to define the following two properties:

  • The testSuite, referring to the identifier of the test suite to be removed.

  • The specifications array, including as string values the API keys of the target specifications.

The following sample is a request to unlink a test suite from a specification.

  "testSuite": "test_suite_1"
  "specifications": [ "B277E210X2FB4X4BD7X88B6X951504F45F8F" ]

Once this call is made, the test bed will unlink the specified test suite from the specification(s). The response has an empty body and is returned with a 200 (ok) status code.

unlinkShared - request schema

The payload of the unlinkShared operation’s request is defined by the following JSON Schema:

  "$id": "",
  "$schema": "",
  "description": "JSON schema for the test suites' unlinkShared operation request payload",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "testSuite": { "type": "string" },
    "specifications": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" } }
  "required": [ "testSuite", "specifications" ],
  "additionalProperties": false

OpenAPI documentation

The test bed’s REST API is also documented using the standard OpenAPI specification. You may download this from here, or access it live from the test bed from path /api/rest. On a typical developer instance this would be available at http://localhost:9000/api/rest.

The API’s documentation does not only provide a standardised representation of its operations. It also allows it to be imported into tools that can process it to generate code, documentation and even call the live services.

An example of a popular, free and open-source tool for this purpose is the Swagger UI which provides a full user interface to explore and use an API. This can either be downloaded or used directly from the cloud. If you use Docker and have it installed on your workstation you can get it up and running by issuing:

docker pull swaggerapi/swagger-ui
docker run -p 80:8080 swaggerapi/swagger-ui

Executing the above two commands will download and launch Swagger UI, making it available at http://localhost. Accessing this you may now view and use the test bed’s REST API:


Health monitoring

As a complement to its REST API, the test bed also publishes a health-check endpoint to facilitate availability monitoring. This is not listed as a part of the other REST operations, nor does it figure in the OpenAPI documentation as it is always available regardless of whether the REST API is enabled or not.

To make a health-check, send a GET to path /api/healthcheck. As an example, for the DIGIT instance, the path would be If all services are up and running the response will have a code 200 and empty body.

Besides testing as part of availability monitoring, this operation could also be used as part of automated build scripting to identify when the test bed has completed its initialisation and is ready to receive other API calls.