View your test history

To view your organisation’s test history click the My test sessions link from the side menu. Doing so presents you with the test session history screen which is split into three main parts:

  • A set of search filters to help locating specific test results.

  • The list of active test sessions.

  • The list of completed test sessions.


Active test sessions

The currently active sessions are those that are pending completion. These could be sessions that are running in the background or sessions that are interactively being executed by other users.


Each session is presented on a separate table row, with the following information displayed per session:

  • The specification and actor (defined as the test case’s SUT).

  • The relevant test case.

  • The relevant system.

  • The session start time.

The information displayed in the table is sorted using the sessions’ start time in ascending manner (i.e. the oldest sessions are presented first). Sorting can be adapted by clicking on each column’s header to sort by it in ascending manner. The currently active sort column and type are displayed using an arrow icon next to the relevant column’s title.

The set of currently displayed active sessions can be exported in CSV format by clicking the Export CSV button in the table header (see Export test sessions). You may also click the Terminate all button that, upon confirmation, will forcibly stop all currently active tests. Finally, the header itself can also be clicked to collapse or expand its display.

Regarding individual active test sessions, each session’s row offers controls to:

  • Forcibly terminate it, by clicking the delete icon on the relevant session’s row.

  • View its details, by clicking on the row itself (see View test session details).

Completed test sessions

The history of all your completed test sessions is presented in the Completed test sessions table.


Tests are presented in a paged table, offering controls to go to the first, previous, next and last pages as applicable, and are sorted based on their end time in a descending order (i.e. showing the latest tests at the top). Custom sorting can also be made by clicking the title of each column; clicking a column header for the first time will sort by it in ascending manner and clicking it again will switch to descending. The active sort column and type are indicated using an arrow next to the relevant column header.

Test sessions are displayed one per table row, with each row including the following information:

  • The specification and actor of the test session.

  • The relevant test case.

  • The relevant system.

  • The session’s start and end time.

  • The test result.

Each row provides controls to export the relevant test case report and to view the test’s steps. In addition, you can use the overall Export CSV button from the table’s header to extract a CSV export of the currently displayed sessions (see Export test sessions). In addition, the header itself can also be clicked to collapse or expand its display.


Obsolete test sessions: One or more test sessions may be rendered obsolete in case of a significant change in the test setup (e.g. the relevant specification being deleted) or a test case update that requires relevant test sessions to be re-executed. Such test sessions remain and can be consulted but are displayed greyed-out to indicate that they are no longer considered towards your overall conformance testing.

Apply search filters

To locate specific test sessions you are provided with a set of filter controls at the top of the screen. These are presented initially as collapsed as they are not taken into account, but can be clicked to expand and set specific filter criteria.


The available filters are:

  • The domain (if applicable), specification group, specification and actor of the sessions’ corresponding conformance statements.

  • The relevant’ test suite and test case.

  • The relevant’ system.

  • The sessions’ result, start and end time.

  • A specific session ID.

All filter controls with the exception of the start time, end time and session ID are multiple selection choices. The start and end time controls are date pickers that allow selection of ranges of dates for both the start and end of the sessions. The session ID is a text field. Selecting multiple values across these controls are applied as follows:

  • Within a specific filter control using “OR” logic (e.g. selecting multiple specifications).

  • Across filter controls using “AND” logic (e.g. selecting a specification and a test case).

Note additionally that selecting dependent values serves to limit the filter options that are presented. For example if a given specification is selected, the test suites and test cases available for filtering will be limited to that specification to already exclude impossible combinations.

The presented tests are automatically updated whenever your filter options are modified, or when the filters are removed altogether by clicking the Clear filters button. It is also possible to collapse the filters without disabling them by clicking on the filter panel header. Note that displaying the performed tests with no filtering is the default when you first visit the screen. Finally, you may also choose to keep the current filtering but refresh the search results by clicking the Refresh button.

Export a test case report

Exporting a test case’s report is possible for completed test sessions, through one of the two file icon controls on the far right side of each test’s row.


The file icon on the left corresponds to the test case’s XML report. The format of this report is defined by the GITB Test Reporting Language (GITB TRL), and allows simpler machine-based processing. The following XML content is a sample of such a report:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<TestCaseOverviewReport xmlns="" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="" id="UBL_invoice_validation_test_3">
        <ns2:name>TC3: Upload minimal invoice</ns2:name>
        <ns2:description>Test case to verify the correctness of a minimal UBL invoice. The invoice is provided manually through user upload.</ns2:description>
    <message>The provided invoice failed validation. Check the failed validation step(s) for further details.</message>
        <step id="1">
            <description>Step 1: UBL invoice upload</description>
            <report xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="TAR" id="1">
        <step id="2">
            <description>Step 2: Validate invoice against UBL 2.1 Invoice Schema</description>
            <report xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="TAR" name="XML Schema Validation" id="2">
        <step id="3">
            <description>Step 3: Validate invoice against BII2 CORE restrictions for Invoice Transaction</description>
            <report xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="TAR" name="Schematron Validation" id="3">
                    <warning xsi:type="BAR">
                        <description>Attribute '@listID' marked as not used in the given context.</description>
        <step id="4">
            <description>Step 4: Validate invoice against BII RULES</description>
            <report xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="TAR" name="Schematron Validation" id="4">
                    <error xsi:type="BAR">
                        <description>[BII2-T10-R051]-Sum of line amounts MUST equal the invoice line net amounts</description>
                    <error xsi:type="BAR">
                        <description>[BII2-T10-R052]-An invoice total without VAT MUST equal the sum of line amounts plus the sum of charges on document level minus the sum of allowances on document level</description>

The report includes the following information:

  • The identifier, name and description of the test case.

  • The start and end time.

  • The overall result as well as the output message that may have been produced.

  • The list of step reports that include each step’s identifier, description, timestamp, result and findings (if validations were carried out).

The file icon on the right of the test session row represents the test case’s PDF report.


The PDF report includes similar information to its XML counterpart with certain additional context data. The following sample report illustrates the information included:


The report contains a first overview section that summarises the purpose and result of the test session. The information included here is:

  • The name of the system that was tested and the name of its related organisation.

  • The names of the domain, specification and actor of the relevant conformance statement.

  • The test case’s name and description.

  • The session’s result, start and end time.

  • The session’s output message if one was produced.

Below the overview information follow the test case’s references where, as available, you are provided with links to additional information included as annexes in the report. These may be:

  • The extended documentation of the test case.

  • The test session log.

This first page is followed by the section on the test case’s step reports. All steps are initially presented as an overview including per step, its description and result. The detailed step reports follow this overview, with individual reports being directly accessible by clicking each step’s sequence identifier that prefixes its description.


Each detailed step report includes the following information for its step:

  • Its sequence number and description in its header, that also includes a link to return to the steps’ overview section.

  • Its result and completion time.

  • The number of validation report findings classified as errors, warnings and messages (if applicable).

  • A report details section listing the details of each validation finding (if applicable).

  • A report data section listing the step’s input and output. Note that only text values are presented here and are truncated if too long.


At the end of the test case report follow the report’s annexes, specifically the test case’s documentation and the produced log output.


Regarding the log output, this is limited to messages reported at information level thus excluding debugging output that could be quite long for elaborate test cases.



The XML report for a given test session can also be obtained through the test bed’s REST API (if enabled for your test bed instance).

Export test sessions

Apart from exporting an individual test case report you can also export the information for the currently displayed test sessions in CSV format. To do this click the Export CSV button in the right of the active or completed test session table header.


Delete obsolete test results

Obsolete test sessions can be deleted by clicking the Delete obsolete sessions button from the search results’ panel.


Doing so will first prompt you for confirmation and then, if confirmed, will proceed to delete the obsolete test results. Note that the results deleted are limited to those specific to the system that is currently selected.

View test session details

Each row from the list of presented test sessions, both active and completed, may also be clicked to view its detailed information. Doing so expands the row to present the test session’s steps in a manner similar to the live test execution diagram displayed while the test session is active (see Test execution).


In terms of provided controls, a document icon is presented on steps that produced a report that can be clicked to review its details (see View test step details). In addition, the diagram’s header presents the session’s test suite, test case and session identifier. The session identifier may also be clicked to copy it to the clipboard, which could be useful if you would want to communicate it to others or to use it for search filtering. Furthermore, clicking elsewhere on the header of the diagram display will collapse (or expand) the diagram, which could be useful if you want to quickly view other information on the screen.

Above the diagram display you are presented with additional buttons linked to the test session. The purpose of these are as follows:

In the case of an active test session you are also provided with a button to refresh its display and view pending interactions (in case interactions are pending).


Refreshing the display allows you to track the progress of a specific test session without needing to make a full refresh of the displayed results. Clicking this button will refresh only the relevant test session and reflect changes on its diagram. Note that it is possible that upon refresh, the test session has in the meanwhile completed, in which case a relevant information popup will inform you accordingly. In case of a pending interaction, clicking to view it will present it so that it can be completed and allow the session to proceed. This allows you to have test sessions execute in the background while checking through this screen on whether they need user interactions.

Clicking on the session row will once again collapse the display. Note that once one or more session details are expanded the table’s header will display a Collapse all button that can be clicked to collapse all details.

View test step details

Clicking on a step’s document icon triggers a popup that shows the step’s different information elements that can be viewed inline, downloaded or opened in a separate popup editor. In the case of validation steps, this is extended to also provide the detailed results and report counters as illustrated in the following example for a validation failure.


In the test step result popup you are presented with the result and completion time as the step summary. In the sections that follow you can inspect the output information from the step, presented either inline (for short values), as a file you can download, or through a further popup editor. In the latter case this is triggered by clicking the View button. Clicking to open this, displays its content which, in the case of validation steps, is also highlighted for the recorded validation messages.


The editor popup allows you to copy a specific part of the content or, by means of the Copy to clipboard button, copy its entire contents. The Close button closes this popup and returns you to the test step result display. Note that clicking on a specific error will open the validated content and automatically focus on the selected error.

An alternative to viewing the content in this way is to click the Download button which will download the content as a file. The test bed will determine the most appropriate type for the content and name the downloaded file accordingly (if possible). In the case of simple texts that are presented inline, you are not presented with the download and view buttons, but rather with a Copy to clipboard button that allows you to copy the presented value.



Viewing binary output: Images are presented as a preview when selecting to view them. For other binary content (e.g. a PDF document), the best way to inspect it is to download it. Opening such content in the in-place code editor will still be possible, but this will most likely not be useful.

Export test step report

The results of the test step can also be exported as a test step report in PDF and XML formats. This is made available through the Download report button for PDF, and its Download report as XML additional option for XML, that will trigger the generation and download of the report in the requested format. The following example represents such a report in PDF.


This PDF report includes:

  • The test step result overview, including the result, date and, in case of a validation step, the total number of validation findings (classified as errors, warnings and messages).

  • The report details, included in case of a validation step to list the details of the validation report’s findings.

When selecting to download the report as XML, you receive similar information but represented in XML for simpler machine-processing. The structure of the report is defined by the GITB Test Reporting Language (GITB TRL), with the following being a simple sample:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<TestStepReport xmlns="" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="TAR" name="Schematron Validation" id="4">
        <error xsi:type="BAR">
            <description>[BII2-T10-R051]-Sum of line amounts MUST equal the invoice line net amounts</description>
        <error xsi:type="BAR">
            <description>[BII2-T10-R052]-An invoice total without VAT MUST equal the sum of line amounts plus the sum of charges on document level minus the sum of allowances on document level</description>