
The following section provides downloadable complete examples of GITB TDL test suites for simple and complex cases. The sections below provide the download links, a brief description of the test suite’s purpose and context and an overview of the TDL constructs used.

Example 1: Invoice validation via user upload

Context: Upload an UBL electronic invoice for subsequent validations using the UBL XSD and Schematron files.

This example illustrates use of interact to request the file to validate. It then proceeds to use verify to validate the uploaded file against the UBL XSD and two Schematron files that are bundled as artefacts in the test suite. Validations use the XSDValidator and SchematronValidator.

Download: example1.zip

Example 2: Invoice validation via direct AS2 messaging

Context: Validation of a UBL or CII invoice provided to the test bed via AS2 messaging using direct endpoint-to-endpoint communication.

This example illustrates use of the receive and send messaging steps to receive an AS2 message and provide an appropriate receipt response. Messaging is handled using a custom embedded messaging handler. The messaging handler extracts the invoice from the message payload and using the assign step determines the syntax to validate for (UBL or CII). The verify step is then used to validate in a single step the invoice against the appropriate set of rules given the invoice’s type.

Download: example2.zip

Example 3: Invoice validation via direct AS4 messaging

Context: Validation of a UBL or CII invoice provided to the test bed via AS4 messaging using direct endpoint-to-endpoint communication.

This example illustrates use of the receive and send messaging steps to receive an AS4 message that is sent to the test bed’s AS4 access point. The lookup of the relevant AS4 message is done after prompting the user for its ID using an interact along with the target syntax to validate for. The message ID is then provided to the messaging transaction’s remote validation handler that does the actual lookup and returns the message. Once the invoice is extracted from the messaging handler it is validated in one go using the verify step with an external validator.

Download: example3.zip

Example 4: Invoice validation via AS2 with automatic discovery

Context: Validation of a UBL or CII invoice provided to the test bed via AS2 messaging using automatic participant discovery.

This example illustrates configuration of a simulated actor’s properties for a SUT and their subsequent use through an assign step to construct the receiver address. These values are used with a template response artefact to provide responses specific to each test session. The receive and send messaging steps are used conditionally using an if that checks a configuration property provided by the user before the test’s execution. Once the message payload is extracted an assign step is used to conditionally determine the syntax to validate for, with the validation taking place via external validator using a verify step.

Download: example4.zip

Example 5: ESPD content validation via user upload

Context: Validation of an ESPD request or response document via user upload.

This is a simple example illustrating upload of the content to validate by the user along with the target syntax using a interact step. Validation of the uploaded content takes place using a verify step with an external validator.

Download: example5.zip

Example 6: WMS client request validation

Context: Validation of the requests of a WMS client to a WMS server to request a map. A client of the WMS server is expected to first query its capabilities and, based on the returned values, request a supported map layer. In this test case the map box expected to be requested should match the maximum supported coordinates.

This example uses the receive and send messaging steps with the HttpProxyMessaging handler that is used as a proxy to monitor the exchange. A series of assign steps are used to extract information from the request that are subsequently used to verify the correctness of the complete conversation using multiple verify steps with the XPathValidator.

Download: example6.zip

Example 7: ASiC container validation for eTendering processes

Context: Validation of an ASiC container that is uploaded for validation to ensure that it is valid with respect to eTendering requirements.

This is a complex example that begins with the upload of the container to validate using an interact step. Initial validation of the archive as an ASiC container takes place using a verify step with a remote validation service. To extract the content of the archive for further validation, the process step is used with an external ZIP archive processing service to perform multiple operations on the archive. Validation of the contents occurs in a stepped approach using multiple assign steps and progressive verify steps using remote validators and the embedded XPathValidator. This example also shows a number of complex conditional variable assignments using the assign step. Finally, the if and while steps are used to construct the appropriate control flow logic to ensure that all the container’s applicable files get validated accordingly.

Download: example7.zip