1. Disclaimer
The European Commission maintains this service to enhance the conformance testing service offered to initiatives involved in the delivery of cross-border public services. Content that can be found through this may not be the result of official Commission processes and as such, the Commission accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever linked to it.
Information that can be found through this service is:
- strictly related to conformance and interoperability testing activities
- of a general nature only and is not intended to address the specific circumstances of any particular individual or entity
- not necessarily comprehensive, complete, accurate or up to date
- sometimes linked to external sites over which the Commission services have no control and for which the Commission assumes no responsibility
- not professional or legal advice (if you need specific advice, you should always consult a suitably qualified professional).
Please note that it cannot be guaranteed that text available online exactly reproduces officially adopted texts. Only the Official Journal of the European Union (the printed edition or, since 1 July 2013, the electronic edition on the EUR-Lex website) is authentic and produces legal effects.
It is our goal to minimise disruption caused by technical errors. However some data or information available through this service may have been created or structured in files or formats that are not error-free, and we cannot guarantee that our service will not be interrupted or otherwise affected by such problems. The Commission accepts no responsibility with regard to such problems incurred as a result of using this site or any linked external sites.
This disclaimer is not intended to limit the liability of the Commission in contravention of any requirements laid down in applicable national law nor to exclude its liability for matters which may not be excluded under that law.
2. Privacy and data protection statement
The test bed, as a service developed and offered by the European Commission, is committed to user privacy. The policy on protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
2.1. What personal data is collected?
The test bed collects from you the information shared from your EU Login account, specifically:
- Your name.
- Your email address.
- Your EU Login user ID.
In addition to your account information, the test bed uses session "cookies" in order to ensure communication between your browser and the server. Therefore, your browser must be configured to accept "cookies". However, it does not collect personal or confidential information of any kind, nor any IP address from your PC. Cookies are automatically removed by your browser once sessions has been terminated by logging out.
Finally in the contact support screen (available through the "Contact support" footer link) you are given the option to replace your account's email account with one on which you want to receive responses. This allows you to receive feedback if on a different email account from the one linked to your EU Login profile.
2.2. Why is this data collected and how is it processed?
Your EU Login user ID and email address are collected for identification purposes in order to link your EU Login profile with your test bed user roles. This information is stored in an internal and protected database. Apart from logging in, your account's name and email are also used in contact form submissions to the test bed support team (available through the "Contact support" footer link) although these are not otherwise persisted. Completing the contact form results in sending an email with the content you provide, including your account's configured name and email address, to the test bed's support team. Specifically:
- If you are part of a community of users for a specific project, support emails are sent TO the support mailbox configured for you by your community's administrator. In this case the Test Bed team's functional mailbox (DIGIT-ITB@ec.europa.eu) is also included in CC.
- If you are not part of a specific community or if your community has not defined a support mailbox, support emails are sent only TO the Test Bed team's functional mailbox (DIGIT-ITB@ec.europa.eu).
The purpose of this email communication is to notify the most appropriate persons of your feedback and, in case of problems, resolve them as fast as possible. The test bed support team does not provide received feedback to third parties or use it as part of any promotional activities. Note that in the contact form you are given the option to replace your configured email address in the sent message with a preferred one. This is done to give you the opportunity to provide an email address different to the one linked to your EU Login account in case you want the support team to contact you concerning your request.
Your name is stored in the test bed's private database but is not used for identification. It is used only in user listings to your organisation's and community's administrator(s) to facilitate user management.
Concerning cookies, these are collected to establish an authenticated session upon login and authorise your actions. Processing of these is fully automatic by the test bed software and does not involve human intervention.
2.3. To whom is your data disclosed?
The information linked to your account (name, email address and EU Login user ID) is recorded in the test bed's internal database. Only authorised staff carying out technical maintenance may view your data as part of the overall test bed operational support. With regards to contact form submissions, the information you submit is treated by the test bed's support team and by your user community's support staff if a relevant community-specific support email is in place. The test bed team does not transmit any data to other parties, without prejudice to a possible transmission to the bodies in charge of an inspection task in accordance with Community legislation, e.g. OLAF, or an investigating magistrate. The test bed will not share personal data with other parties for direct marketing.
The cookies used by the test bed to authenticate your connection are treated only by the test bed's software, are only stored on your local workstation and are automatically removed when you logout. No data from these cookies is ever shared with other parties.
2.4. For how long is your data maintained?
Your account data (name, EU Login user ID and email address) is maintained for as long as you have an active account with the test bed. Cookies are created upon login and automatically removed upon logout.
2.5. How can you access your data, correct it and remove it?
You can disconnect your EU Login profile from a test bed user role at any time through your test bed profile's management. The result of this will be to delete your name and EU Login user ID, maintaining only your email address, allowing you to reclaim this role at a later time if you wish to. From the same screen you may also choose to fully remove your personal information, including your email address, which will result in all traces of your personal data being deleted. Note that user accounts are of a pure functional nature. Deleting an existing account and creating a new one has no impact to your access, user experience or conformance testing history.
2.6. How is your data protected?
Your account's data is stored in a database that is not publicly accessible and is password protected. This database is maintained on cloud infrastructure but access is only permitted to authorised staff for technical support issues. The cloud infrastructure's underlying resources (e.g. servers, disks) are physically located within the European Union.
2.7. Who is responsible for the processing of your data? (Controller)
The test bed support team operating under the Interoperable Europe's "Interoperability Test Bed" Action that is itself a part of the European Commission's Unit B.2 of DIGIT. In addition to this support requests that you submit will also be treated by your community's configured support staff (if provided).
2.8. What are the contact points for questions or complaints?
If you have concerns about the processing of your personal information in the test bed, feel free to contact the test bed team at DIGIT-ITB@ec.europa.eu. Issues may also be addressed to:
The Head of Unit of DIGIT.B.2
Directorate-General for Informatics, European Commission, 1049 Bruxelles/Brussel, Belgium
Tel: +32 229-91111 (Switchboard), Email: DIGIT-COMM-TEAM@ec.europa.eu, Internet: https://ec.europa.eu/info/departments/informatics
2.9. Recourse
Complaints, in case of conflict, can be addressed
To the data-protection-officer of the European Commission (contact by email: DATA-PROTECTION-OFFICER@ec.europa.eu).
To the European Data Protection Supervisor. (contact: https://edps.europa.eu/data-protection/our-role-supervisor/complaints_en).
3. Use of test data
The test bed is an environment that focuses on ease of connectivity and ease of monitoring to facilitate testing. Although reasonable measures are taken to ensure secure operations, the test bed should not be considered a thoroughly secured environment in which sensitive or personal data are used. Never use data as part of your test campaign or tests that is sensitive in nature. In addition be aware that all data used during testing activities is logged in order to realise test assertions and to monitor testing progress.
In addition, the test bed environment although supported and maintained by Commission resources, is not hosted in the Commission's secure data centre but rather the public cloud. Reasonable measures are taken of course to protect access and safeguard existing data, but there can be no liability claimed due to any unforeseen loss of data.
If you are part of a project that requires strong confidentiality and no data loss consider installing a local test bed instance in your own infrastructure that is managed fully by your operations' staff.
4. Use of the GITB test bed software
The following text represents the licencing information linked to the GITB test bed software's source code. This does not apply if you are simply using the test bed service but rather if you are planning to download and use its source code.
4.1. The CEN Workshop: Global e-Business Interoperability Test Bed Methodologies (GITB)
The CEN Workshop: Global e-Business Interoperability Test Bed Methodologies (GITB) has developed an architecture, methodology and guidelines for assisting in the creation, use and coordination of e-business Test Beds.
It aims at supporting public administrations, Standards Development Organizations (SDOs) and user communities in e-business standards assessment and testing activities from early stages of eBusiness standards development, to proof-of-concept demonstrations, to conformance and interoperability testing.
The final deliverable consists of:
- CEN CWA 16971: Global eBusiness Interoperability Test Bed (GITB) Phase 3: Implementation Specifications and Proof-of-Concept. This is available to CEN Members: List of the CEN members
- A "Test Registry and Repository" (TRR) that is available at: https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/collection/gitb-trr
- Proof of concept implementations and sample artefacts. This is freely available on the web, but is subject to the acceptation of the following terms and conditions of use
4.2. Licence of use under EUPL V.1.1 of Global e-Business Interoperability Test Bed Methodologies (GITB)
This licence is provided by the European Committee for Standardization - CEN (the Licensor) to You (the licensee) at the terms and condition set in the European Union Public Licence ("EUPL") V.1.1.
EUPL V.1.1 can be downloaded at the following address in any of the EU languages: http://ec.europa.eu/idabc/eupl.html
Please note that the following terms are modified:
Art 2 EUPL V.1.1.: the text "for the duration of the copyright vested in the original work" shall read "for the duration of the publication and distribution of the CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) to which the copyrighted original work refers to"
Please be also aware that:
- This Licence does not grant permission to use the "CEN" trade name, and trademark, except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the copyright notice (see Art 5 EUPL V.1.1).
- CEN provides the Work under this Licence on an "as is" basis and without warranties of any kind (see Art 8 EUPL V.1.1).
- This Licence is governed by the law of Belgium where CEN, the Licensor, has its registered office (see Art 15 EUPL V.1.1).
By downloading the gitb-master, you express your clear and irrevocable acceptance of this Licence and all of its terms and conditions, including the modified text of Art 2 EUPL V.1.1. as indicated above.